9 tips to enhance your memory

  1. Tackling stress

Too much stress causes the brain's main memory centre, the hippocampus, to no longer use the sugar in the blood. If there is not enough sugar in the blood, there is a lack of energy, which hinders its proper functioning and, at the same time, that of the memory. We can therefore experience an event without remembering it, especially the old ones.
  1. Exercise regularly

The brains of people with limited physical activity age more rapidly than those with more. Researchers may also associate reduced brain volume with a sedentary lifestyle. In this study, researchers followed 1,583 people for 20 years. Among other things, they measured their brain size and physical fitness. The conclusion was that those who were not physically active and therefore in poor physical condition also had smaller brains at the end of the study.
  1. Creating good sleep routines

Research has shown that sleeping after breakfast can improve both memory and productivity. An afternoon nap therefore improves memory and increases learning and awareness. And it only takes 15 to 20 minutes. For those who don't get enough sleep at night, a 90-minute nap is recommended. This is an effective way to repair their sleep cycle and increase their creativity.
  1. Eating Fats

Make sure you get at least one tablespoon of avocado fat, organic butter, oatmeal essential oil, flaxseed oil, cold-pressed olive oil or coconut oil for each meal and top it off with the addition of omega-3 and TCM oil. Also make sure that you are getting all the essential amino acids and that you eat fatty fish preferably.
  1. Enjoy a dose of vitamin D in the sun

Vitamin D can be linked to many diseases and a growing body of research suggests that it is also of great importance for brain health. Researchers have found, for example, that people over 60 with low levels of vitamin D in their blood experience mental decline three times faster than those with adequate levels of vitamin D.
  1. Physical Training

Researchers believe that it is the hormone norepinephrine that is secreted by the body when we exercise, which gives an extra boost to memory. A 20-minute workout can stimulate your brain and improve your memory by 10%.
  1. Walk

Walking can improve memory. The hippocampus, the part of the brain involved in memory management, decreases by 1-2% each year. Walking several times a week develops this part of the brain.
  1. Fuel your brain

A team of CIHR researchers examined more than 4,200 healthy people aged 45 and older. Participants were asked 400 questions about what and how much they had eaten in the previous month, and then underwent a brain scan to measure brain volume. Those with the largest brains were those who ate a lot of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, dairy products and limited their intake of sweetened beverages. Brain volume was, on average, two millilitres higher than that of people with diets high in red meat, saturated fat, sweetened beverages and salt.
  1. Be careful with medicines

A new British study shows that there is a risk of dementia if you eat anticholinergic drugs. These include medicines for Parkinson's disease and some antidepressants.  
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